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It is not appropriate to endorse or support terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups on WildLearner. Selling or buying non-medical or prescription medicines is likewise prohibited, as is providing sexual services, as well as private sales of alcohol, tobacco, and guns. We also delete anything that attempts to trade, organize the trade of, donate, gift, or request non-medical drugs, as well as content that either admits to personal use of non-medical drugs (unless it is done so in the context of recovery) or coordinates or encourages its use. WildLearner also forbids the private sale of live animals. Nobody is allowed to plan the theft of endangered animals or the sale of their components.
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We wish to promote a thriving, multicultural community. We remove anything that makes real threats or uses hate speech against specific persons, as well as content that repeatedly sends unwanted communications and uses personal information to humiliate or blackmail people. Because of their occupation or hobbies, people who are frequently in the news or who have a wide audience generally are subject to more robust discourse.
The WildLearner family is supportive of one another and frequently serves as a community for people dealing with challenging issues like eating disorders, cutting, or other forms of self-injury.
Do not encourage people to engage in self-injury. If this behavior is reported to us, it will be removed or accounts will be disabled. If the post targets them for criticism or fun, we may also remove anything that names self-injury victims or survivors.
We are all vital members of the WildLearner community. Please assist us by utilizing our built-in reporting feature if you see something that you believe might be against our rules. Our international team evaluates these reports and works fast to delete information that doesn't adhere to our standards. You can still report something even if you or someone you know doesn't have a WildLearner account. Try to include as much information as you can while completing the report, such as URLs, usernames, and descriptions of the content, to make it easier for us to locate and review it. If either the imagery or the accompanying captions violate our rules, we may remove the entire post.
When we suspect there is a threat to the public's safety or a risk of physical injury, we may cooperate with law enforcement.