Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ page where you can find the answers to all your questions

The answer is yes! We pride ourselves on providing programming courses accessible to everyone! WildLearner is 100% free of charge.

WildLearners earn Karma points for each lesson they complete in a programming course. These coins can later unlock lesson quizzes, level up, and develop your user profile for recruiters.

WildLearner can unlock lesson quizzes with karma points or by simply figuring out the correct answer.

Per course completion, WildLearners are provided with a course certificate (the certificate is completely free), which states that you completed a given programming course with us.

The short answer is no. After the certificate is issued, you cannot change your name. However, name modifications are permitted prior to receiving a Course Certificate, thus your updated name will be used.

We know that choosing a programming language can be overwhelming. To help you out, on the landing page, we’ve sectioned our programming courses to help you decide between backend development, frontend, etc.

Currently, programming courses and the overall website are only available in English.

To retrieve your personal profile URL, click on your user icon in the website's upper-right corner. You’ll then land on your profile page, where the URL can be found.

Although WildLearners can change their name and username, the email address is not subject to changes.

When you delete your account, your karma points and progress will be permanently removed. We’ll delete your account for you, so please contact us at

If you’re stuck on a lesson quiz or have questions about coding, visit our discuss page and get feedback and help from the WildLearner community.How can I provide feedback?

Give us feedback by hovering over your user icon in the upper right corner of the website and clicking on Settings where you’ll find the feedback icon. Your feedback helps us grow and improve, we really appreciate it.

Your WildLearner profile consists of your Karma Level and three sections that read Skills, Reputation, and Overview. In Skills, you can find your course certificates and the programming courses you’re currently studying. In Reputation, you’ll see your Achievements, and in Overview, you can set up a CV for recruiters to assess and hire you.